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Enjoy Two-Bedroom Apartments at The Jefferson

Flexibility is one of the most important qualities residents search for when looking for an apartment. The Jefferson has developed a reputation for delivering more than enough flexibility. We offer multiple floor plans to our residents, knowing that everyone’s needs are different. Whether you are an individual or a family, a two-bedroom apartment could be the perfect fit.  Whatever you need, you will receive it when you live at our facility. Schedule a tour today to take a look at what we have to offer.

floor plans

Newly Renovated  Two-Bedroom Apartments

At The Jefferson, we pride ourselves on creating inviting and spacious atmospheres for our residents to enjoy. We have renovated our apartment buildings – both inside and out – to stay current with prevailing décor styles. Each apartment comes complete with new fixtures, countertops, and floors. More importantly, we offer a two-bedroom floor plan to prospective renters. The variety of floor plans available is why our apartment building is so sought after among renters.

Schedule a Tour Today!

We highly encourage you to visit our complex today to learn why The Jefferson is one of the best apartment buildings in the city. Each of our apartments is unique, cozy, and up-to-date with new appliances, making them comfortable and perfect for people of all kinds. Whether you are single or have a family, you will find an apartment that suits your purposes. Our apartments are non-smoking, we also lowered our deposit to $500 and a $35 application fee. Schedule a tour with us today to see one of our apartments.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Tour