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Read Our Frequently Asked Questions

At The Jefferson, we pride ourselves on making our residents comfortable. It begins with the initial tour, where we show you your apartment. Then, throughout your time at our facility, you will enjoy a spacious living space and plenty of amenities. But we understand that you might have questions about what we can offer you. We are happy to answer those questions. Read our frequently asked questions below to get started.

Are your apartments smoke-free?

Yes. Each of our apartments is smoke-free, and smoking is expressly forbidden in the units.

Are pets allowed in your apartment?

Pets are allowed on our property. However, we require up-to-date vaccination records, a non-refundable pet deposit, and a monthly pet fee on top of rent.

Do you require renters’ insurance?

Renters’ insurance is required of all residents before you can receive the keys to your apartment.

Are your apartments furnished?

No. Our apartments are not furnished.

What do I do if I have a maintenance emergency?

We have a maintenance staff on hand for emergencies. All you have to do is call our main line at 515-868-9807 and select the maintenance option. Tell us what the issue is, and we’ll come out to your apartment.

Do you require a security deposit?

Yes. Our security deposit is $500.

Is there an application fee?

The application fee is $35.

Do you offer tours?

We want you to feel comfortable renting from us, so we offer tours. Call us at 515-868-9807, and we can schedule one for you.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Tour