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Spacious Closets, New Appliances, and Beautiful Flooring

When you live at The Jefferson, you gain access to a thriving community filled with things to do and see. In addition to the close proximity to downtown Des Moines, we offer a range of top-notch amenities. We know that four walls and a ceiling aren’t enough. So we have renovated our apartments to include stunning flooring, countertops, and efficient appliances. We are committed to providing our residents with the highest standard of charm and excellence. We work very hard to keep our apartments in top shape.

empty kitchen with white cabinets

Love Where You Live With Everything You Need

We have equipped our apartments with many comfort-inducing features, such as new fixtures. But we go beyond the standard offerings that other apartments offer to their residents. We think it is essential to create a luxury environment at an affordable rate, something we accomplish day after day. When you reside at The Jefferson, you can enjoy the following outstanding amenities that will make living at our complex feel like a stay in a boutique hotel. Our amenities include:

  • New Flooring
  • New Kitchen Cabinets
  • New Kitchen Countertops
  • New, Efficient Appliances
  • Newly Tiled Bathrooms
  • Pet Friendly
empty leaving room in new apartment

Schedule a Tour With The Jefferson Today

Before you continue your search for your next living arrangement, consider stopping in at The Jefferson. You won’t regret it. In addition to the numerous amenities to enjoy, you can trust our team to take care of you. We have a skilled maintenance team on hand who respond to problems quickly, and our front-office staff is here to keep you happy. Schedule a tour with us today to see what all the fuss is about.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Tour